School Assistance

DVFP School Assistance Program Goal

Delaware Valley Fairness Project offers two programs that allow the school to connect to the families of its students other than through traditional academic or disciplinary conferences.  Much like our direct Family Assistance Program, the school Family Petty Cash Fund and Family Pantry Support Program create bonds between the school and a student’s family, fostering family engagement in the school.   The goal is to help families provide a more stable home life so that the student has a better opportunity for success in school.

Program I  -  DVFP Family Petty Cash Funds

Delaware Valley Fairness Project assists schools by providing petty cash funds that may be used by the school to assist families of students in times of small emergency needs.  Schools have used these funds to pay for transportation to a crisis center or hospital; to replace eyeglasses for a student;  to pay small enrollment fees (e.g., $10-20) for worthwhile after-school activities; to enable a family to purchase up to $50 worth of food to get through a day or two.   We do replenish the fund if we find it is being used in a worthwhile manner.

Who May Apply

Only the Principal of a southeastern PA or southern NJ school may apply for a petty cash fund.

Application Deadlines

Applications may be submitted each school year between October 1 and March 31 but are funded only until all funds are disbursed.

Program II - DVFP Family Pantry Support

Delaware Valley Fairness Project also assists schools by providing materials and supplies used in operating a school-based family pantry.

Who May Apply

Only the Principal or the teacher or staff member overseeing the pantry may apply.

Application Deadlines

Applications may be submitted each school year between October 1 and March 31.  A site visit to the school is required before an application is considered for approval.

Application Guidelines

  • Applications may not exceed $400.
  • Applicants must provide the total amount being requested and line-item (item by item) cost data noting the source of the cost. The amount being requested may not exceed the lesser of the total cost of items listed or $400.  
  • NEW THIS YEAR:  Applicant must provide a photo or sketch in some way descriptive of the project and which applicant is authorized to allow us to publish on our website and/or in our newsletter.  
  • Documentation of the use of the supplies or funds (including receipts) are required within 30 days of use.
  • We retain the right to recover all supplies or funds not used for the purposes stated in the application.
  • All non-consumable products will be the property of the school.
  • Applicant gives us permission to use applicant’s name and photo, the photo submitted as part of this application, the name of the school, the type or amount of assistance provided and the use made of these supplies or funds on our website or in our newsletter. 

"*" indicates required fields

Apply Now

Name of Principal or Pantry Lead*
School Address
Feel free to include any additional information about the school community that you would like us to consider.
Would you like to be added to our newsletter?
Max. file size: 16 MB.
Upload any relevant documents for this request.