As one 7th grader at Wilson Middle School put it: “Color Guard changed my life because I get to express my feelings when I dance and spin my flag. I had fun meeting new friends. I was very nervous, but when I started performing I became confident that I could do it.”
Wilson’s Mary Meyer applied for Delaware Valley Fairness Project assistance to support the Color Guard program in the fall, and it has been a pleasure to support this group of motivated and inspiring girls.
Ms. Meyer sees Color Guard as a valuable source of character building and social-emotional well-being, stressing that the activity promotes discipline, creative expression, and a positive self-image!

Recently, the group had a chance to perform at Cheltenham High School along with Color Guards from other schools. The girls gave the performance everything they had, but the passion and energy that the girls pour into their routines stays with them even when they leave the gymnasium.
A 6th grade student said, “My grades also got better because I had to pay more attention to stay in the Color Guard. There was not a day that I did not want to go to Color Guard because I felt I could do better and be better every day.”