See Our Successes

As one 7th grader at Wilson Middle School put it: “Color Guard changed my life because I get to express my feelings when I dance and spin my flag. I had fun meeting new friends. I was very nervous, but when I started performing I became confident that I could do it.” Wilson’s Mary Meyer […]

Ms. Phelan (Overbook Educational Center) told her class, “If we got new books, raise your hand if you would treat them like treasures.” Every hand in the room shot up! “If we got those books, raise your hand if you would read them every day.” All hands shot up again! When she told her class […]

STEM plays a major role in the world of education these days. Schools want to give their students all the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math experience they can, but, all too often, Philadelphia students don’t get the STEM learning opportunities that their peers do. A group of high school students from Unionville High School in […]

They’re FUN! And they’re educational too! Philadelphia students have had several exciting learning experiences this fall and we want to tell you more about them.   Students from Overbrook Educational Center experienced a life-changing Outward Bound Expedition. A group of 7th and 8th graders hiked more than 20 miles on the Appalachian Trail in northern New Jersey this fall. They […]

“Did you know that we’re superheroes?” That’s what a student at Chadds Ford Elementary School asked her parents before bed. Earlier that day, she and her sister, along with the rest of the students at suburban Chadds Ford Elementary, had heard from Stephanie Andrewlevich, the Principal of S. Weir Mitchell, a K-8 school in Southwest […]

It has been almost twelve month since Delaware Valley Fairness Project sponsored the first after-school Karate program at Mitchell. This fall, we agreed to provide funds to Penrose Elementary so that it, too, could have a Karate club. The programs at both schools are unqualified successes. Greg Slaughter of Golden Armor Karate instructs both groups. […]